Landscape Drainage Solutions

If pooling water is a problem with your landscape we can help!

We Can Help You Fix Pooling Water On Your Lawn Or Landscape

We install and repair landscape drainage systems

Drainage System Installations And Repairs
We install and repair landscape drainage systems

One of the keys to keeping your landscaping (and property) in good shape is ensuring you have proper drainage in place.  Drainage issues can cause premature erosion, property damage, damage to buildings and foundations, and they can be very expensive to repair.  Depending on what your drainage issues are there could be a number of ways to address the problem and solve it once and for all.

What Type Of Drainage Problem Do You Have?

  • Is there water pooling up on your property?
  • Does your property have soil erosion due to heavy rain?
  • Do you have soft spots in your lawns or gardens?
  • Do you have standing water around your foundation?
  • Is your driveway or parking area a wet mess when it rains?

Without proper drainage in place your landscaping and lawn areas can be prone to flooding, it can drown out your expensive plants, erode away expensive hardscaping, and even cause damage to your structures and their foundations.

Square Leaf Landscaping And Design is a landscaping contractor based out of Hamilton, Ontario and serving the surrounding area.   We specialize in installing lawn and garden drainage systems including drainage swales, french drains, weeping tiles, dry creek beds, and more.  We offer real solutions for properties with a drainage or standing water problem. 

Many of our clients properties suffer from poor drainage or have drainage systems that just weren’t implemented correctly from the start which has led to significant erosion problems, water pooling, soft spots, and flooding in their lawns, gardens and landscapes.  We can help solve these problems by developing a solid plan for your property.

What Is A Drainage Swale?

A drainage swale is a shallow channel or depression that is designed to carry and manage stormwater runoff. It is typically found in landscaped areas, such as along the side of a road or where a culvert outflow is located.  Swales are used to intercept and convey excess water from storms or other sources to a drainage outlet, such as a storm drain or a natural waterway.

Drainage swales are often used as an alternative to traditional stormwater management systems, such as underground pipes, because they can be more visually appealing and have a variety of additional benefits, such as providing habitat for wildlife and helping to reduce erosion. Drainage swales are typically lined with river rock or with vegetation, such as grasses or native plants, which helps to filter pollutants and sediment from the water as it flows through the channel.

French Drains

What Is A French Drain?

A French drain might sound intricate, but it's actually a simple yet effective solution for many homeowners facing drainage issues. Essentially, a French drain is a slightly sloped trench filled with gravel or rock, containing a perforated pipe that redirects surface water and groundwater away from specific areas. It's an ingeniously simple concept that has been used for centuries to combat excess water.

Functionality of a French Drain

The core idea behind a French drain is its ability to capture and divert water. When water enters the trench, it quickly seeps through the gravel and into the perforated pipe. This pipe then channels the water away from your property, often to a more suitable drainage area like a street, a ditch, drainage swale, or a storm drain.

Common French Drain Applications Around Residential Properties

Preventing Water Accumulation Around Foundations: One of the most popular uses of a French drain is to prevent water from pooling around a house's foundation. Water near the foundation can lead to serious issues like structural damage or basement flooding. By installing a French drain, this water is efficiently rerouted, safeguarding your home's integrity.

Managing Water in Soggy Yards: For yards that tend to get soggy or have standing water after rain, a French drain can be a game-changer. It helps in quickly moving the water away, keeping your yard dry and usable.

Facilitating Drainage in Hardscaped Areas: In areas where hardscaping like patios or walkways prevents natural absorption of water, French drains can provide an alternative path for water, preventing pooling and potential damage or slipping hazards.

Garden and Landscape Protection: Gardens and landscaped areas can suffer from too much water. A strategically placed French drain can help regulate the moisture level in these areas, ensuring that plants don't get waterlogged.

Resolving Slope-Related Drainage Issues: If your property is on a slope, managing runoff can be challenging. French drains can be part of a comprehensive solution to control and direct the flow of water, preventing erosion and landscape damage.

Drainage Swales

What Is A Drainage Swale?

A drainage swale is a shallow channel or depression that is designed to carry and manage stormwater runoff. It is typically found in landscaped areas, such as along the side of a road or where a culvert outflow is located.  Swales are used to intercept and convey excess water from storms or other sources to a drainage outlet, such as a storm drain or a natural waterway.

Drainage swales are often used as an alternative to traditional stormwater management systems, such as underground pipes, because they can be more visually appealing and have a variety of additional benefits, such as providing habitat for wildlife and helping to reduce erosion. Drainage swales are typically lined with river rock or with vegetation, such as grasses or native plants, which helps to filter pollutants and sediment from the water as it flows through the channel.

Understanding the Swale's Function

The primary purpose of a drainage swale is to control water flow. During heavy rains or snow melts, water can accumulate and move rapidly, causing erosion and potential damage to your landscape. A swale acts as a natural conduit, controlling the speed and direction of water flow. It's a subtle yet effective way to manage excess water without the need for complex plumbing or electrical systems.

Common Applications Around Residential Properties

Preventing Water Accumulation: Swales are particularly useful in preventing water from pooling in low-lying areas of your yard. By directing water away, they help in maintaining a drier, healthier lawn and garden.

Safeguarding Foundations: Much like French drains, swales can be used to divert water away from your home's foundation, protecting it from potential water damage.

Landscaping and Garden Protection: Strategically placed swales can enhance the drainage around gardens and landscaped areas, ensuring that plants are not overwhelmed by excess water.

Enhancing Aesthetic Appeal: While primarily functional, swales can also be integrated into your landscape design. With the addition of grass or other vegetation, they can add a natural, visually appealing element to your yard.

Erosion Control on Sloped Properties: For properties situated on a slope, swales can be crucial in minimizing soil erosion. By slowing down the speed of water runoff, they help in preserving the integrity of your landscape.

Eco-Friendly Water Management: Swales are an environmentally friendly solution for water management. They can facilitate the replenishment of groundwater and reduce the burden on stormwater systems.

A Natural Solution for Your Landscape

Drainage swales represent a harmony between functionality and nature. They provide a cost-effective, low-maintenance solution to several common drainage problems faced by homeowners. By incorporating a drainage swale into your landscape, you can protect your property from water damage in an eco-friendly and aesthetically pleasing manner.

Dry Creek Beds

What is a Dry Creek Bed?

In the world of landscaping and drainage solutions, a dry creek bed stands out as a blend of functionality and natural beauty. A dry creek bed is essentially a man-made channel or gully, often lined with stones and rocks, designed to mimic the look of a natural dry stream. The key purpose of this feature is to provide an effective and aesthetic way to manage and direct the flow of water across your property.

The Aesthetic and Functional Blend

A dry creek bed is more than just a practical drainage solution; it's a landscaping feature that can significantly enhance the visual appeal of your outdoor space. Carefully selected stones and thoughtful placement create a natural-looking waterway that blends seamlessly with your garden and yard.

Common Applications Around Residential Properties

Erosion Control: For properties with sloped terrain where water runoff causes erosion, a dry creek bed can be a savior. It channels the water flow, reducing erosion and preserving the integrity of your landscape.

Rainwater Diversion: During heavy rainfall, dry creek beds effectively divert excess rainwater away from sensitive areas like foundations, gardens, or lawns, directing it to a more appropriate drainage area.

Addressing Soggy Areas: In yards where water tends to collect and create soggy patches, a dry creek bed can provide an escape route for this water, keeping your yard drier and healthier.

Aesthetic Enhancement: Beyond its functional role, a dry creek bed can be a striking landscape feature, adding a unique and natural charm to your outdoor space. It can be a focal point or a subtle addition, depending on your preference.

Wildlife Attraction: Interestingly, dry creek beds can attract wildlife, providing a habitat for birds and beneficial insects. The varying sizes of rocks and the layout can create microhabitats that are appealing to small wildlife.

Integrating with Your Landscape

The beauty of a dry creek bed lies in its versatility and adaptability. It can be designed to suit any landscape style, from a rustic, woodland look to a more modern, minimalist approach. With the right design and placement, a dry creek bed not only solves drainage issues but also elevates the overall aesthetics of your property.

A Sustainable Approach to Drainage

Embracing the concept of a dry creek bed is not just about solving water runoff issues; it's about doing it in a way that respects and enhances the natural environment. This eco-friendly solution is a testament to how functional landscaping can be both effective and beautiful.

Weeping Tiles

What Is A Weeping Tile Drain?

A weeping tile drain, often simply referred to as a weeping tile, is a critical component in managing water drainage in various landscaping and foundation settings. This system plays a pivotal role in preventing water accumulation and protecting structures from potential water damage. Here's a closer look at what a weeping tile drain is, how it works, and its common applications in a landscape.

How It Works: A weeping tile is essentially a porous pipe designed to redirect water away from specific areas. Traditionally made from terracotta clay (hence the name "tile"), modern weeping tiles are usually made of plastic or PVC with small slits or holes to allow water entry. These pipes are installed underground, surrounding the area that requires drainage, such as a building's foundation or a garden bed. The weeping tile collects excess water from the soil, channeling it away from the area to a suitable discharge point, such as a storm drain or a sump pump system. This process significantly reduces the risk of water pooling or saturation, which can lead to erosion, foundation damage, or unhealthy plant roots.

Common Applications in a Landscape:

  1. Foundation Drainage: One of the most critical applications of weeping tile drains is around the foundation of homes and buildings. By installing a weeping tile system along the foundation's perimeter, it helps prevent water from pooling against the foundation walls, thereby mitigating the risk of basement leaks and structural damage.

  2. Garden and Lawn Drainage: In landscaping, weeping tiles are used to address areas with poor drainage, where water tends to collect and stagnate. By directing excess water away, weeping tiles ensure that plant roots receive adequate moisture without being waterlogged, promoting healthier plant growth and preventing soil erosion.

  3. Retaining Walls: Weeping tiles are also installed behind retaining walls to relieve hydrostatic pressure caused by accumulated water in the soil. This not only extends the life of the retaining wall but also prevents water from seeping through and causing damage to the wall structure or adjacent areas.

  4. Pathways and Driveways: To prevent water accumulation and ice formation in colder climates, weeping tiles can be installed beneath pathways and driveways. This ensures proper drainage and maintains the integrity of these structures over time.

In summary, weeping tile drains are an indispensable solution for managing water drainage effectively in various landscaping and architectural contexts. By preventing water accumulation, they protect structures, enhance the health of plant life, and maintain the aesthetic and functional integrity of outdoor spaces. Whether you're dealing with a soggy lawn, a leaky basement, or a retaining wall, incorporating a weeping tile system can offer a practical and long-lasting solution to your drainage needs.

Drainage System Installation and Repair

  • Drainage system design
  • Drainage system installation
  • Underground drainage and piping
  • Drainage swale installation
  • French drain installations
  • Drainage system repairs
  • Drain box and catch basin installation
  • Downspout drainage systems
  • Stream and creek beds for channeling water
  • Drainage problem correction

Does Your Property Have Water Drainage Problems?

Drainage issues should be addressed during the landscape design process and before your actual landscape is installed.  Because every property we work on is different a good landscape designer will take the time to understand how water may flow from your property, what type of soil conditions you have, and they will also know and understand the rainfall in your area and/or how high the static water table might be.  Knowing all of these factors can help us plan out an effective drainage solution for your specific property.

It’s often during sustained and heavy rainfall when a drainage problem will surface.  After a few days of rain, a property with poor drainage will become obvious.  You’ll visibly see water pooling in low spots, your lawn or gardens will be muddy, you may see erosion taking place, and a host of other problems.  If the water table (sub-surface water) is high in your area, then rainfall only makes the problem that much worse.

Drainage Problems We Solve

High Water Tables

A high water table can pose a challenge for any landscape. The water table is water that lies close to the soil surface.  It can vary depending on where you are located.  If you have a high water table then the low lying areas of your landscape can often have pooling water.  Often the best solution for a high water table is to plant appropriate trees, shrubs, and other plants that are capable of handling these wet, boggy, conditions.  These are often plantings that natively grow in riparian areas.

Another option to solve a high water table drainage problem is to raise the lawn areas or planting and garden bed areas up.  You can do this by mounding up areas with additional soil and appropriate plantings to keep it held together or you can even used raised garden beds.

Excess Water Pooling On The Surface

If your property has clay-based soil then you may have problems with surface water pooling up.  Clay is a very dense material and doesn’t allow for good drainage.  Surface water issues can often be solved by properly grading the property away from the home and into a swale or french drain that can channel the water away from your property and into an existing storm drain or drainage ditch of some type.

One of the most popular and effective drainage systems to install for a surface water problem is the French drain.  This is a time-tested drainage solution that gathers water and channels it to a place underground (usually a trench filled with gravel and perforated pipe) where the water can take its time percolating down through the soil.

More Ideas For Solving Your Drainage Problems

Careful Construction Practices – Often drainage problems surface after extensive construction or site-work has been completed on a property.  Activities such as removing and placing fill, property grading, and digging of foundations or footings can alter the drainage on a property.  When construction occurs on your property care must be taken to avoid compaction of the soil and also to make sure that your property is graded to channel water away from low-lying areas and your home or buildings foundation.

Regulate Your Irrigation System – Many irrigation systems are setup to deliver water to a lawn, garden, or landscape over a set period of time rather than on the needs of those specific plants.  It’s a good idea to set your irrigation to meet the needs of your specific landscape rather than set it on a timed schedule.  For example, if you’re irrigation system runs for an hour in the evening, but the plantings are sufficiently watered within 15 minutes, that extra 45 minutes of watering doesn’t make much sense and likely contributes to the poor drainage issues.

Check For Broken Plumbing Or Sewer Lines – In some cases, poor drainage, or pooling, standing water can be the symptoms of a broken, clogged, or corroded sewer or drain line.  If your drainage issues are accompanied by a foul sewage smell, then this could be part of your problem. We also see pooling water caused by broken municipal water pipes or sprinkler pipes.  The broken piping causes the excess water to pool near the surface.

Adapt Plantings To Site Conditions – If your property is continually suffering from drainage problems due to a high water table then it’s a good idea to make sure your plantings are “drinkers” you want to carefully select plants, trees, and shrubs that require lots of water or that thrive in excess moisture.

If you’d like to schedule a consultation to discuss your drainage system or to correct drainage issues you might be experiencing with your property we’d be happy to meet with you.  Please call (289) 707-5607 or fill out our online form and we’ll get right back to you.

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Here's What They Say

Nizar Misheal

I hired Sean to extend my driveway and he did an excellent job. He was able to match the existing concrete perfectly and completed the project on time and within budget.

Nizar Misheal March 28, 2023

Sean came out last summer to our place to put in an armour stone retaining wall. Him and his team were so great to work with. He walked us through the process and explained different options and designs, and made the whole experience easy. Would recommend for anyone looking to have landscaping done.

Steve February 15, 2024
Daniela Cvit

I highly recommend Simple Landscaping Solutions! Sean replaced my lawn with interlocking stones, with a beautiful design! He was professional, worked in a timely manner, always kept me up to date on his progress, and I was extremely happy with the outcome!

Daniela Cvit March 13, 2023
Helen N

They did an amazing job making our front and backyard so beautiful. They were also very professional and worked in an organized manner. I would recommend them!

Helen N January 11, 2024

Simple Landscaping is a reliable and excellent company. Sean is very professional, skilled and communicative. Definitely will have Sean and his team work on projects.

Toni March 10, 2023
Stanley Ituah

I love working with people that take their time to deliver unique work within a budget. Sean checked our space, gave us a plan and executed it in a day. No hassle. Will be reaching out to Square Leaf for bigger jobs in the future.

Stanley Ituah July 1, 2023
Jamey Hanton

We called Sean because our backyard was in need of a solution for drainage. He knew exactly what we needed and worked inside our budget. They worked hard and were very professional. We are happy with his work and will hire again. Thanks Sean!

Jamey Hanton June 6, 2024
Sam Funke

Sean was quick to quote the trimming of a large hedge for us. He advised it would be a month or two out, but sqeezed us in earlier. They cleaned up all the debris and completed the job in 1 day. Based on this experience, I would have no problem recommending Square Leaf for this type of work.

Sam Funke April 3, 2024

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