Ideas for a Sloped Yard

Ideas for a Sloped Yard

If you live in a hilly town, sloped neighborhood, or rolling countryside, you know how intimidating it can feel when you are trying to landscape. Sloped yards can be difficult to walk on, awkward to work from, and challenging to maintain. They have an increased risk of soil erosion and sliding if handled poorly, which…

How to Landscape with Rocks & Natural Stones

How to Landscape with Rocks & Natural Stones

Rocks and natural stones can do so much to enhance the look of your landscape and solve many everyday landscaping needs. Unlike some trees/shrubs/plants, they look the same year-round, help with stabilization and retainment, and are nature’s sculptures. We’ve put together some information about some of the many different types of rock and stones out…

Hardscaping vs. Softscaping: What You Should Know

Hardscaping vs. Softscaping: What You Should Know

Do you stroll through your neighborhood eyeing the beautiful landscaping of your neighbors, wishing you could turn your yard into something more than a patch of grass? Landscape planning and design can feel like one of the most daunting parts of homeownership, whether you are a first-time homeowner or have owned a home for years….

Drought Tolerant Landscaping Or Xeriscaping

Drought Tolerant Landscaping Or Xeriscaping

A Beautiful Looking Landscaped Property Without Wasting Water!We specialize in drought resistant and drought tolerant landscaping. Drought tolerant landscaping, drought resistant landscaping or Xeriscaping as it’s also known, is a quickly emerging landscaping trend, especially throughout the Hamilton, Ontario area. Unless you’re property is on a well you are most likely hooked up to Hamilton, Ontario…